LOB 테이블 다른 Tablespace 로 이동
1. 이동할 Tablespace와 여유공간을 체크한다. - LOB 테이블과 LOB 컬럼의 size 확인 select max(owner)owner ,segment_name table_name , max(bytes)/1024/1024||' MB' table_size, sum(nvl(lbytes,0))/1024/1024||' MB' lob_size, (max(bytes)+sum(nvl(lbytes,0)))/1024/1024||' MB' total_size from ( select a.owner,a.segment_name,a.bytes,c.bytes lbytes from dba_segments a , dba_lobs b , dba_segments c where a.owner = 'SCOTT' and a.segm..
[퀴즈] 집약함수
문제> 다음과 같이 데이터 가 있다고 가정하자. with tour_group as ( select '111' tour_key, '중국관광단' tour_title, '중국' tour_position, '2011.01.03' start_day, '2011.01.13' end_day from dual union all select '222', '일본광광단', '일본', '2011.01.05', '2011.01.11' from dual ), tour_person as ( select '111' tour_key, 1 tour_seq, '백두산' tour_person_name from dual union all select '111', 2, '한라산' from dual union all select '111', 3..