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ORA-39213:Metadata processing is not available sysdba로 로그인 후 아래 명령 실행 execute dbms_metadata_util.load_stylesheets 더보기
expdp,impdp 아래는 예제로 scott계정의 모든 데이터를 expdp로 백업 후 새로운 유저를 생성하여impdp를 이용하여 밀어넣는 예입니다. 해당경로에 디렉토리를 생성 후 오라클에서 디렉토리를 지정.datapump 기능은 디렉토리를 간접적으로 경유해서 사용할수 있음.# mkdir /home/oracle/exp_dirSQL> create or replace directory exp_dir as '/home/oracle/exp_dir';Directory created. expdp를 실행하는 계정의 권한 부여.SQL> grant read,write on directory exp_dir to scott;Grant succeeded. SQL> exit Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Ent.. 더보기
Export failed when trying using SYS user. * (ORA-28009: connection as SYS should be as SYSDBA or SYSOPER) [oracle@localhost ~]$ expdp sys/oracle90 directory=dpump dumpfile=emp.dmp tables=larry.emp reuse_dumpfiles=trueErrors: UDE-28009: operation generated ORACLE error 28009 ORA-28009: connection as SYS should be as SYSDBA or SYSOPERSQL> show parameter dictionaryNAME TYPE VALUE ———————————— ———– —————————— O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY boolean FALSE With this parameter in False, it will not allow acces.. 더보기
Shrink Temporary Tablespace 1. Create a temporary tablespace for swapping create temporary tablespace temp_temp tempfile'/dbora01/oradata/ORCL/ora02/temp_temp01.dbf' size 100M extent management local uniform size 1m; 2. Use it as default temporary tablespace alter database default temporary tablespace temp_temp; 3. Drop the old temporary tablespace alter tablespace temp tempfile offline;drop tablespace temp including conte.. 더보기
Shrink UNDO tablespace How to shrink the undo tablespace in Oracle? We need to create a tablespace temporary so that we can redirect undo usage to this temperorary tablespace. Steps: 1. Create a temporary tablespace for swapping CREATE undo TABLESPACE undotbs2 DATAFILE '/dbora01/oradata/ORCL/ora02/undotbs2_01.dbf' size 100M; 2. Use it as default UNDO tablespace ALTER SYSTEM SET undo_tablespace=undotbs2; 3. Drop the ol.. 더보기
XDB,JVM install/unInstall XDB Installation SQL> CREATE TABLESPACE "XDB" LOGGING DATAFILE '/u10/app/oradata/MYDB/xdb01.dbf' SIZE 200M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 50M MAXSIZE 1500M EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO; The catqm.sql script requires the following parameters be passed to it when run: A. XDB user password B. XDB user default tablespace (Any tablespace other than SYSTEM, UNDO and TEMP can be spec.. 더보기
Oracle 11gR2 RAC 기동,중지 oracle1> crsctl stop cluster--> 디비,리스너,crs 한번에 내리는 명령이다.(해당노드)oracle1> crsctl stop cluster -all--> 디비,리스너,crs 한번에 모든 노드를 내리는 명령이다.(모든 노드)※ 올리는건 stop 대신 start를 사용.(개념은 같음) 아래는 순차적으로 내리기 위한 메뉴얼한 방법이니 참고바랍니다. RAC1 노드(정지)[root@rac1 bin]# su - oracle [oracle@rac1 ~]$ db_env [oracle@rac1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdbaSQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Apr 19 16:03:15 2016Copyright (c) 1982, 2009,.. 더보기
INS-06006 INS-06003 ORACLE Grid Install 중 발생한 에러. 버그임. ssh 관련하여 호스트이름 대소문자,패스워드 등이 맞지않아서 발생하는것으로 보임 Solution> 문서 ID 300548.1) rac 노드 모두 아래절차대로 실행해준뒤 runIstaller 다시 실행 In this Document Goal Solution Scalability RAC Community References Applies to: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 10.1 to 12.1] Information in this document applies to any platform. Reviewed 22-Oct-2008 ***Ch.. 더보기
CRS-4124: Oracle High Availability Services startup failed CRS-4124: Oracle High Availability Services startup failed While installing Oracle11g( clusterware on RedHat Linux 6, i got the below error at time of running root.sh file. It is two node RAC and node names are RACNODE1 and RACNODE2. CRS-4124: Oracle High Availability Services startup failed. CRS-4000: Command Start failed, or completed with errors. ohasd failed to start: Inappropriate .. 더보기